Legacy Gift Recruitment and Organization

Our specialized services for nonprofit organizations focus on recruiting and organizing legacy gifts. We provide expert guidance and support to help you identify potential donors, engage them effectively, and secure their commitment to your cause. Our approach is personalized, ensuring that each donor feels valued and connected to your organization's mission.

Planned Giving Consulting

Enhance your planned giving program with our expert consulting services. We work closely with your organization to develop and implement strategies that attract and retain donors.

Our services include:

  1. Donor Engagement Tools: Develop personalized communication strategies and recognition programs to foster strong relationships with your donors.
  2. Training and Workshops: Provide training sessions and workshops for your team on planned giving strategies, donor engagement, and closing gifts.
  3. Customized Campaigns: Create targeted marketing campaigns to promote planned giving opportunities and highlight the impact of legacy gifts.

Grant Writing

Access the funding you need to support your planned giving initiatives with our professional grant writing services. We help you identify suitable grant opportunities, craft compelling proposals, and maximize your chances of success. Our grant writing expertise ensures that your organization's needs and goals are clearly communicated to potential funders.

Research & Insights

Stay informed with our exclusive research and insights on planned giving trends, donor behavior, and effective strategies. Our thought leadership content, including interviews, tips, and case studies, provides valuable information to help you refine your planned giving approach and achieve better results.

Partner with Lasting Legacy, Ltd. to enhance your planned giving program and secure the legacy gifts that will support your organization's mission for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals. Our team of experts is ready to provide the guidance and support you need to make a lasting impact.